A wholesome education that goes beyond classroom mode of teaching. It emphasizes not only on academic excellence but also on practical expertise of the students. A skill-based relevant education that supports economic growth of the students.

Wholesome education focuses on nurturing well-rounded individuals who are not only knowledgeable but also compassionate, responsible, and capable of critical thinking.

‘Village Vingyani’ is one of the major initiatives under this vertical. In this, students are introduced to artificial intelligence and robotics, thus working towards more digital learning. A Delhi based organization AICRA is a partner with FWC for this program.

‘Karma Yogi’ is the signature project of FWC, which is a self awareness program connecting the body, mind and soul. This relates to the law of attraction connecting to abundance. When connected to abundance one’s mind is fearless and feels the power of the omnipresence and universe.

Further, FWC helps deserving students get scholarships and also take part in international delegations.

In essence, Edu Astra strives to create an environment where kids not only excel academically but also develop into socially responsible and well-balanced citizens contributing positively to the society.

For further info about the project, please call us at +91-7418227695

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