Integrated AYUSH

Integrated AYUSH

A comprehensive approach that views wellness as a balance of body, mind, spirit and emotions, and aims to address the imbalances in all areas to promote overall wellness of an individual. Integrated Ayush has a global market worth four trillion dollars, indicating the growing interest and demand for holistic healthcare.

Our Chairman Dr CK. Ashok Kumar serves as the brand ambassador for Ayushpathi, a global network of Ayurveda and Siddha doctors, a testimony for his leadership and advocacy in this field.

Yoga and sports are major components of Integrated Ayush underscoring the importance of physical activity and mental well-being. Yoga therapy is used as a disease prevention measure. We also conduct health camps, indicating our commitment towards the community and promoting wellness at grassroots level.

Lifestyle, particularly diet, is considered crucial in promoting well-being of the individual person. FWC focuses on promoting yoga in combination with vegetarianism to improve lifestyle and health outcomes.

Integrated Ayush recognizes that holistic well-being is not just the absence of illness but a state of complete physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being emphasizing every aspect through a combination of traditional practices, lifestyle modifications and preventive measures.

For further info about the project, please call us at +91-7418227695

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