Traditional Intelligence vs. Emotional Intelligence

What is important in determining our success? Is it Traditional Intelligence (IQ) or Emotional Intelligence (EQ)?

What exactly are Intelligence Quotient and Emotional Intelligence? There are many definitions but simply they are:

  • ● Intelligence Quotient is a total score derived from a set of standardized tests or subtests designed to assess our cognitive intelligence.
  • ● Emotional Intelligence is the ability to recognize and understand emotions in oneself and others, according to Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer, two leading researchers.

The proponents of traditional intelligence advocate that IQ has a decisive role in a person’s success. Equally many psychologists & researchers suggest that EQ is even more essential. An ongoing debate on these two fundamental traits.

So which one is crucial?

Daniel Goleman, referred to as the father of emotional intelligence, states that though traditional intelligence is associated with success, emotional intelligence is more critical for success in both personal life and workplace.

However, IQ is still considered as an important element of success. People with high IQs have good academic records, successful careers and have many such achievements.

Emotional intelligence may be the differentiator for our success, but it is not the only influence. A complex array of factors are responsible - including IQ and EQ. Of course, each factor has different proportions.

Success being a result of many factors, it is better to develop a holistic view towards improving our skills in multiple domains.

Above all, explore, learn and stay curious!

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